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Exercise as Medicine

Exercise as Medicine Inactivity is the cause of countless problems. Today’s society thinks it to be normal to sit at a desk all day, sit in a car or a bus to travel, order food right to your door. Gone are the days of travelling distances to hunt food and forage, build shelter and fight to stay alive. However the…

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Personal Trainer St Johns Wood

St Johns Wood St Johns Wood is conveniently located next to Primrose Hill, Regents Park and is just a short walk from Paddington Recreation Ground in Maida Vale. With gyms available for training during the winter months! St Johns Wood is the location of the majority of my client base, the facilities on offer are simply fantastic! What is there?!…

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Consistency Training for an event, whether it’s a marathon, a skiing trip, a summer holiday or a wedding. Many people need to get into shape for something, they train hard and eat right, they accomplish their goals and then they stop. Six months down the line they need to do it all over again for something else. Or training like…

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Personal Trainer Warwick Avenue

Warwick Avenue – The closest areas to train Warwick Avenue is a beautiful area located in North West London. I myself live in the area, and as a fitness professional and enthusiast, their are great facilities to train in this beautiful environment on the canals or in nearby parks. Fitness and Training Venues in Warwick Avenue A 10 minute walk…

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Personal Progression

My Personal Progression I felt the need to show everyone how you need to start somewhere and the outcome is progression. you can only go further if you are committed and show consistency. My muscle ups used to be extremely laboured and have very little control. Now they are strict and i have control over the movement, coming down…

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The Muscle Up

What is a Muscle Up & how does it help? The Muscle Up, a multi-compound exercise that involves the entire upper body. A Push and a Pull, explosive power and controlled movement on the eccentric creates a fantastic total upper body workout. But that is just one type of Muscle Up, if you are familiar with calisthenics then you will…

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