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Muscle Fibres

There are 3 types of Muscle Fibres. These fibres have different traits and actions, below are the key characteristics of each. By having this information you can better understand how muscles work and train more efficiently! Type 1A – Slow Twitch – Slow to fatigue – Uses Oxygen – Aerobic – Endurance – Lasts indefinitely Type 2A – Intermediate Fibres…

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Modify & Progress

Modify and progress your training! Modification Slightly change exercises to meet needs such as an injury, discomfort, or personal preference. – Increase rest, rate. – Decrease repetitions, resistance, range. Alternative Use different exercises to ones planned but still achieve a similar effect. This is often done when equipment is unavailable, broken or in use. Progression Make exercises harder to challenge…

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Eat Fats!

I can’t stress the importance of fats in your diet enough! A lot of people think that when they see “LOW FAT!” written on food packaging, that it must be really good for them and that they will lose weight and see fantastic results by eating these products. Well it’s not true; it’s what you call a marketing ploy or…

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Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness What is Functional Fitness? From my perspective Functional Fitness is the collaboration of various forms of training and techniques used in sports, rehabilitation etc. The goal in mind with functional fitness, is first and foremost to achieve a strong and durable physique that rather than being aesthetically pleasing (although this is one of the benefits), is usable in…

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Prep Stretching – This is done before your training session, preferably after a brief 3-4 minute cardiovascular warm up such as a light jog. – Hold for 6-10 seconds and do not bounce, hold still. You often see people rocking back and forth in a stretch, this is something you should not be doing! – Lowers the risk of injury.…

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Energy Systems

Creatine Phosphate System [10 seconds] ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate (APPP) Reaction happens where a phophate (P) breaks off creating Adenosine Diphosphate. – Creatine finds a phosphate and takes it to APP to make APPP again. However it has to re-synthesize again. (This is where a Creatine supplement works, it gives this particular energy system a new P, speeding up the process.…

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