Training Tips

3 Fitness Myths Busted

#1: Abdominal exercises help burn stomach fat Exercises targeting the abdominal area strengthen and develop the size of the muscles; however they do not burn fat! 6-pack abs are made in training and revealed in the kitchen! You cannot spot-reduce body fat; the body burns fat gradually from all over. So to recap, train hard and eat right!   #2:…

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Kettlebells Workout

Kettlebells are a fantastic and diverse piece of equipment. The lifts you perform are largely variations of Olympic lifts and compound movements. These are the best exercises to do when looking for strength and muscle development; on top of that, doing these exercises with a kettlebell hits the muscle groups from a completely different angle and targets the core &…

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Creatine Phosphate

Creatine Phosphate Creatine Phosphate Energy System This is an energy system your body will put to use in certain types of training. You start out with Adenosine Tri-phosphate (ATP) and when the energy system is put into action, a chemical reaction occurs where a phosphate (P) splits away and energy is released. You are then left with Adenosine Di-Phosphate (ADP).…

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Cardio Workouts

Cardio Workouts Key Cardio Workout Points Cardio Workouts and why you should do it! The following are just a few of the benefits of cardio vascular workouts and training: 1) Cardio improves heart strength 2) Cardio Workouts strengthens and exercises the lungs their capacity 3) Boosts metabolism, burns calories, and helps you lose weight 4) Reduces stress 5) Increased energy…

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Muscle Fibres

There are 3 types of Muscle Fibres. These fibres have different traits and actions, below are the key characteristics of each. By having this information you can better understand how muscles work and train more efficiently! Type 1A – Slow Twitch – Slow to fatigue – Uses Oxygen – Aerobic – Endurance – Lasts indefinitely Type 2A – Intermediate Fibres…

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Modify & Progress

Modify and progress your training! Modification Slightly change exercises to meet needs such as an injury, discomfort, or personal preference. – Increase rest, rate. – Decrease repetitions, resistance, range. Alternative Use different exercises to ones planned but still achieve a similar effect. This is often done when equipment is unavailable, broken or in use. Progression Make exercises harder to challenge…

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