MSE Benefits

There are many old-fashioned myths about MSE training. (Muscular Strength Endurance Training).
Many of these are simply wrong. It is always good to be cautious but when it comes to a point that you’re hindering your success, I think it’s time the facts are put out there for people to read!

Below are a list of benefits from various types of training.

Resistance Training in General:

– Joint Stability
– Improved Posture
– Improved Tone & Shape
– Decreased Risk of Injury
– Increased Bone Density
– Improved Neuromuscular Efficiency

Strength Training:

– Hypertrophy (Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres)
– Stronger Ligaments and Tendons
– Improved Efficiency of the CP System


– Improved efficiency of Slow Twitch Muscle Fibres
– Increased Capillarisation
– Increased Size of Mitochondria
– Improved Efficiency of Lactic Acid and Aerobic Energy System

Now just to pick out one of those that will help anyone in their daily lives.
Increased Size of Mitochondria. First of all have you ever noticed how children are so full of energy and never stop bouncing around! Well they have a naturally high amount of Mitochondria. If one feels they have a lack of energy and are always tired, it would be useful to know that increased Cardiovascular exercise allows you to have more Mitochondria and therefore create MORE energy!

Don’t get me wrong, there could be other factors playing a role here too, such as lack of sleep, a bad diet where you aren’t eating the right things, however i urge you (Please remember to train at a sensible pace, if you are remotely unsure then consult your doctor) to give this a go. Resistance training and Cardiovascular exercise regularly. And soon you should feel alot more active and happier with yourself!

Jordan Swailes



  • Nella Garmen
    Posted January 17, 2012 6:33 am 0Likes

    Excellent post. Keep up the hard work.

  • Omer Pajtas
    Posted January 22, 2012 11:03 pm 0Likes

    Incredible points. Great arguments. Keep up the amazing work.

  • Aprender Ingles Facil
    Posted January 28, 2012 10:31 am 0Likes

    Very nice post. This topic is one that has been of outmost interest to me since I was very young. Please keep writing…

  • Stranksy
    Posted January 31, 2012 8:53 pm 0Likes

    Very well written article. It will be useful to everyone who employs it, including myself. Keep up the good work – for sure i will check out more posts.

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